2014 YMCA Bike-a-thon
The Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA will host the
12th Annual Bike-A-Thon on February 8, 2014 from
7:00 am–3:00 pm in the Mega Studio and West Lobby.
This eight hour studio cycling event is made up of 40 teams and nearly 300 participants all spinning to raise money for the YMCA’s Annual Giving Campaign. All proceeds benefit children, families and seniors in need in our community and give them the ability to access YMCA programs through financial aid. The Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA has offered quality programs and YMCA membership to all community members, regardless of ability to pay for over 55 years. Last year nearly 3,000 children, seniors and families received financial assistance from the Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA!
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