I’ve been racing Triathlon for 20 years and this repeat victory as the US Master’s National Champion is one of the most rewarding wins! Each year I am faced with new physical and mental challenges, as are many others, especially aging Master’s triathletes (yes over 40 years old).
At the end of January I was training to run the Carlsbad Half Marathon. A week before the race both of my knees swelled up and it hurt to walk let alone run a step. I didn’t know what caused it but it felt like a knife pain. I thought it was arthritis that flared up from longer runs and speed sessions. I went to an orthopedic, had synovial fluid shot in both of my knee’s and took 3 weeks off of running. The result, my knee’s weren’t any better. I took off another 8 weeks and thought even a stress fracture could heal in 12 weeks. Still my knees gave me signals that they were not happy campers. I was discouraged and feeling pressure that time was running out. Then I found an amazing doctor who does muscle testing from head to toe and he found old hot spots for tightness and old patterns of why one muscle group would go out and compensate for another. I had to trust him. This was my last chance to have a successful season. Mentally I was unsure if my body had the mileage and intensity I needed to win again. I had no spring running base like my previous year. I ran 40 miles a week last year and this year I was lucky to hit 20 miles. Also I was coming into a Championship race I won last year and was recently on the Cover of USA Triathlon Magazine. In the past the pressure I placed on myself or felt from being in the media would work my stomach into a ball of butterflies. As a Master’s athlete, mother, coach to myself and others I was the “calm before the storm”. This is why I loved this victory and it feels so amazing. My faith and mental strength is what enabled me to achieve this repeat win! My two previous races showed I was in solid form to have a peak performance, but my faith and looking at the big picture is what pulled it all together. At the US National Champions of the Year Banquet the room was filled with amazing athletes who shared their personal stories of how they persevered through cancer, diabetes, illness, set backs and personal challenges. My story wasn’t worn on my sleeve but my friends and family know that last year I still won 8 out of 8 races including the National Championships after my husband had a massive heart attack and double coronorary bypass surgery and the death of a best friends husband just 6 days before this race. Triathlon National Championships are people from all ages and all different circumstances bringing their “A” game to the starting line. Everyone is fit, but it’s those whose heart, head and strong spirit who compete to their best ability. My husband is my biggest support and his proposal in asking me to marry him states this victory best. He said, ” Look out at the big ocean. On the shore and these rocks the water is hostile, turbulent and unpredictable, but if you look out to the horizon the water is smooth and calm.” Life, marriage, motherhood, coaching and racing is like this analogy…Can you be the calm before the storm? I finished in 2:08 which was a minute faster and a year older! Age is just a number and thank you to my sponsors who support me with the best equipment enabling me to keep getting faster! www.boomtriathlon.com