As a mother, wife, business owner and World Class Triathlete, I understand the challenges you face in balancing sport with your life. I help clients balance training, working, traveling and family obligations while having fun and achieving their goals. Currently my clients range from age 12 to 70.
Do you want to qualify for a triathlon championship event, the Boston Marathon, set a personal best 5K or compete for the first time? Does your child need a certified trainer to coach them in their ISPE Program? What distinguishes TriCoachDavis is how each program is personalized to meet your needs and time constraints.
Years of coaching experience goes into each plan design. Elite Athlete and Coach, Susanne Davis, has designed these plans with her twenty years of racing and coaching expertise. Susanne has written the training plans for herself winning 8 out of 8 races last year. She recorded a 9:41 in Kona last year breaking the record for the Fastest American Amateur over 40 years old in the history of the Ironman World Championships. She has helped people qualify for Boston, stand on the podium, hit personal bests and qualify for the Ironman World Championships, 70.3 World Championships and the Olympic and Sprint National Championships. TriCoachDavis’ passion is getting you to the finish line with confidence, a strong body and having an amazing experience along the way!
Hiring TriCoachDavis gives you a team of sport specific experts led by Coach Susanne Davis. We’ve found that TriCoachDavis clients thrive when given this level of attention. You won’t receive a one size fits all generic program. As Head Coach, I create the details & structure of the program and my team with over 50 years of combined experience and 400 races will help make adjustments. Whether you are a busy executive who has to travel for 5 days, a mom home sick with a child, or the work day just doesn’t have enough time in it, TriCoachDavis will take the guessing work and stress out of your training plan by adapting the schedule to fit your life.
Maximum Heart Rate Test and/or FTP Bike Test:
This session can be done running or biking. It will determine your maximum heart rate and current fitness level. It enables me to build a scientific training program. Programs incorporate specific heart rate targets for each workout to build a stronger and faster athlete and minimize the risk of injury. This is a great base line to test before getting fit and excellent to re-test to track your improvement!
Develop an understanding of heart rate training. Know why you are training at a certain level. Maximize each workout, don’t waste time doing “garbage miles”. Defined heart rate zones help guide you in each workout and race plan to hit your target times and goals. Upload your GPS and heart rate data easily with Training Peaks. Clients receive 40% OFF any TIMEX watch, GPS or HR Monitor.
Daily feedback and consulting with your coach will ensure you are absorbing all of the training. Ability to improvise schedule with the knowledge of each athlete’s daily training sessions. I train “with you” in every personal session. This enables me to read your body language, see your technique and hear your effort in breathing. Provide instant feedback to build on your strengths and improve on any weakness.
Develop efficient and proper technique in swimming, biking, running. Learn sport specific core and strength routines, stretching and how to fit in cross training. Plan your optimal race schedule to achieve your “A” goal.
Training Peaks Calendar:
Daily plan includes details for your heart rate, pace, distance and suggested terrain for each workout. Track your progress each day! Analyze your workout data weekly and monthly. Easy to view anytime and anywhere on your cell phone with a FREE mobile app.
Personal Training Session:
I will train with you to maximize your workouts. This enables me to gauge progress and adjust your program accordingly. I suggest 2 sessions per month minimum to maximize your ability to hit new personal bests, reach goals and continue growth.
Understand and incorporate the optimal diet and nutritional needs while training, racing, and recovering
Group Training Session:
We have a variety of group training sessions throughout the month.
FREE Group Rides every Sunday at 8am from the TREK Superstore in Solana Beach at 124 N. Rios Rd see this link for details on the ride each week. https://www.trekbicyclesuperstore.com/articles/san-diego-events-pg1473.htm
Join us for a BOOM Triathlon Brick workout, ocean swim or track session. FREE for BOOM Triathlon coached athletes and open to the public for a $10 drop fee. Email Susanne if interested.
Purchase Training Plans
Using the talents of a Master’s Ironman World Champion, Master’s Triathlete of the Year and US National Master’s Olympic Distance Champion- Head Coach Susanne Davis and team have created a selection of plans for you to choose from that will guide you towards a successful event. Athletes following these plans have succeeded again and again. You can too!
Listed below are the details of each plan.
Which plan is right for you?
One on one coaching is designed for the athlete that wants adaptability and accountability. This program accounts for ongoing adjustments, consistent and unlimited communication and feedback in training peaks, text messages or a phone call.
12 week program with initial consultation is designed for the self motivated athlete that wants a training plan built specifically for you. During the initial set up phase the athlete and coach will evaluate all aspects of the current fitness level and goals. From there the plan is set for the next 12 weeks. The TriCoachDavis coaches are available for any additional adjustments and communication through the hourly rate schedule of $70/hour.
ISPE coaching to sharpen your individual skill, speed, technique, agility, strength and endurance between competitive sport seasons or all year in replace of a your school PE program. Approved with the San Dieguito School District.
One-on-One Coaching $230/month:
Includes Everything Listed above (4 month minimum).
Please contact Coach Susanne to talk about yourself and your goals: [email protected]
PREBUILT 12 week Training Program Plan ONLY with basic Training Peaks account $300:
Start up with a Personal Phone call and if you live local meet in person with Coach Susanne:
- Collect client history, background information and identify goals
- Capture historical heart rate data from client
- Capture historical watt and MPH cycling data
- Develop a “Base Pace” for swimming
TriCoachDavis has taken the guess work out of creating triathlon and run training plans and provided the perfect alternative to a monthly coaching program. Whether training time is 5 hours or 20 hours per week, these training plans are written with you, the goal-driven athlete, in mind. Our plans set YOU up for success!
Purchase of this plan includes: 1.) Specified heart rate efforts, pacing efforts, specific hill grades and training topography and perceived level of intensity. Training terminology, technical terms, abbreviations and philosophy of the training period used in the programs is all explained.
Please contact Susanne and schedule a call time :[email protected]
Personal Training Sessions $70
These are great sessions to see quick personal improvement in the finer details of your sport. I will train with you.
- Max heart rate test (test set to gage progress with cardiovascular improvements and pace)
- Improve your running technique through prescribed drills and technique analysis
- Push you to hold intervals at your AT with controlled recovery
- Improve your efficiency,cadence, power and speed.
- Max watt test on the Wahoo Trainer (Test set to gage training program progress)
- Max heart rate test (Test set to gage progress with cardiovascular improvements and speed)
- Riding form analyses and technical instruction.
- Group riding techniques.
- Improve efficiency, cadence, power and speed.
- Swim Stroke filming and analysis
- Specified drills aimed at areas needing improvement
- Open water safety instruction
- Racing strategies and tactics
Strength and Flexibility
ISPE coached sessions to improve flexibility, speed, endurance and goal setting for individual sports.
Group Training
Join me and BOOM Triathlon Teammates EVERY Sunday at 8am for a GROUP RIDE.
Everyone is welcome on rides. Helmets are required for all riders, road and triathlon bikes are welcome. The use of tri-bars are only allowed if you are at the front leading the group & have awesome skills. Follow traffic laws and use established group riding techniques. If you are unfamiliar with group technique, please let Coach Susanne Davis know at least TEN minutes BEFORE the ride departs & she can help you or you can ride in the rear. Safety is everyone’s priority. Call out or point out holes/debris/ch
Trek Superstore Train and Tri Rides offer the most variety for speed, route and distance. Beginning at 8am our different riding LEVELS will be called out and depart together. At slower speeds, there is a no-drop policy. If you fall behind, the group will wait. If you tire on the faster rides, there will be another ride behind at a slower pace you can join. You can make this ride a fun social experience, quality miles added to your weekly total or incorporate specific tempo or hill repeats at a strong effort where the section seems appropriate and communicated.
There will be 2 to 3 groups of rides that leave @ 8am from 124 N. Rios Ave Solana Beach Trek Superstore.
17-20 mph (“B”)
15-17 mph (“C”)
The group environment is a way to support each other, meet new athletes and push yourself to hold your personal pace for the entire workout.
See the website Under EVENTS/GROUP RIDE for Ride details of the route, distance, elevation etc. https://www.trekbicyclesuperstore.com
Seasonal training:
- Wahoo Trainer Bike to Run BRICK workouts
- Moonlight Ocean Swims
- Tempo Runs on the Coast Hyw
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One on One Personal Training (Individual sessions)
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Personalized Weekly Training Programs with Race Plan
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Video and Skype sessions available for Out of town Clients
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Internet, email, phone and personal coaching options
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Training Peaks Calendar to optimize data upload from workouts & communicate daily will help you find balance with training, racing, working and family