It will improve your cardiovascular system and ability to process lactic acid if you run at your Anaerobic Threshold. It improves your running ability while building teamwork and friendships. It’s a controlled environment to record consistent splits to use as a benchmark. The flat surface helps you maintain a high leg turnover around or above…

2013 IM World Champion 40-44 AG The Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii is like no other race on the planet. Before the swim starts at 7 am you’ll hear the thumping and pounding of loud hawaiian drums echoing as the sun rises sending shivers up your arms. The helicopters are flying above and a…

Tip of the week: Never give up and find strength from those around you. Ironman is all about mental and physical toughness. At some point you have to make the decision to keep pushing.. Because anything is possible. Last Saturday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin I won the US Triathlon National Championships in my Age Group 40-44…

Sunday, I raced in the XTERRA Snow Valley Half Marathon and broke the course record by 20 minutes! This didn’t happen because of a well planned race schedule, taper and normal race routine. My TIP for this week leading into Ironman is their motto “Anything is Possible”. Ironman was developed in 1978 with people who…